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Get treatment and advice for the following conditions:
Acne, Allergies, Athletes Foot, Backache, Blocked or Runny Nose, Cold Sores, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Eczema, General Pain, Hay Fever, Head Lice, Headache, Hemorrhoids, Mouth Ulcers, Nasal Congestion, Period Pain, Threadworms and Thrush.
Simply walk into our pharmacy. No appointment necessary.
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Pharmacy First Scotland
NHS Pharmacy First Scotland is a service offered by our pharmacy to assist patients with access to advice and appropriate treatment for minor illnesses and common health complaints without the need for a GP appointment.
Just walk-in to our pharmacy. Conditions we can treat as part of Pharmacy First Scotland are:
Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch. Acne most commonly develops on the face which affects almost everyone with acne, on the back or on the chest.
An allergy is a reaction the body has to a particular food or substance. Allergies are very common. They’re thought to affect more than 1 in 4 people in the UK at some point in their lives. Our experienced pharmacists can help you with allergies.
Athletes Foot
Athlete's foot is a common fungal infection that affects the feet. You can usually treat it with creams, sprays or powders from a pharmacy, but it can keep coming back. Our experienced pharmacists can help treat you successfully for Athlete's foot.
Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is very common. It usually improves within a few weeks but can sometimes last longer or keep coming back. Back pain can range from a muscle ache to a shooting, burning or stabbing feeling. We can help you with back pain.
Blocked or Runny Nose
A cold or the flu can cause a runny or stuffy nose, along with a cough and thick, green nasal discharge. A fever can also indicate a cold. Itchy, watery, or swollen eyes, along with a clear runny or stuffy nose and sneezing, are common symptoms of environmental allergies.
Cold Sores
Cold sores are small blisters that develop on the lips or around the mouth. They’re caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV) and usually clear up without treatment within 7 to 10 days. Our experienced pharmacists can help you with cold sores.
Constipation is a common condition that affects people of all ages. It can mean that you’re not passing stools regularly or you’re unable to completely empty your bowel. Constipation can also cause your stools to be hard and lumpy, as well as unusually large or small.
Diarrhoea is passing looser, watery or more frequent poo (stools) than is normal for you. It affects most people from time to time and is usually nothing to worry about. It can be distressing and unpleasant. It normally clears quickly or our pharmacist can help you.
General Pain
General pain, also known as generalized pain, is a type of pain that affects more than two areas of the body and can be acute or chronic. It can cause discomfort, muscle aches, headaches, fatigue, and stiff joints. Our experienced pharmacists can help you with pain.
Hay Fever
Hay fever is a common allergic condition. It affects up to 1 in 5 people at some point in their life. You’ll experience hay fever symptoms if you have an allergic reaction to pollen. Pollen is a fine powder released by plants as part of their reproductive cycle. Need some help?
A headache is pain or discomfort in the head or face. Headaches vary greatly in terms of the location and intensity of the pain, and how often the headaches occur. The brain tissue doesn't have pain-sensitive nerve fibres and doesn't feel pain. We can help you.
Hemorrhoids (HEM-uh-roids), also called piles, are swollen veins in the anus and lower rectum. Hemorrhoids are similar to varicose veins. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum, called internal hemorrhoids. They also can develop under the skin around the anus.
Mouth Ulcers
Mouth ulcers are painful sores that appear in the mouth. They’re uncomfortable but they’re usually harmless. Most clear up by themselves within 1 to 2 weeks. Mouth ulcers are common and can usually be managed at home or our pharmacist can help you.
Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion, also called a stuffy nose, is often a symptom of another health problem such as a sinus infection. It may also be caused by the common cold. It happens when something irritates tissues lining the inside of your nose. Our pharmacists can help you with nasal congestion.
Period Pain
Period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, is a normal part of the menstrual cycle for most women. It's usually felt as cramps in the lower abdomen or pelvis, but can also spread to the back and thighs. The pain can be intense and spasmodic, or more dull and constant.
Skin Infections
Various pathogens can cause skin infections, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. The symptoms, treatment, and outlook will depend on the cause. Infections can vary from mild to serious. Most skin infections are highly treatable.
Threadworms (pinworms) are tiny worms in your poo. They’re common in children and are spread easily. You may spot threadworms in your poo. The worms look like threads of white cotton and are about 1cm long. You can treat them without seeing a GP by using our walk-in service.
Thrush is a very common yeast infection. It’s not a sexually transmitted infection. It’s usually harmless but it can be uncomfortable and keep coming back. Some people have no signs of thrush at all. Sometimes there is too much yeast and it can cause symptoms.
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About Pharmacy First Scotland
We can provide you the same treatments you would get from a GP.
The Pharmacy First Scotland Service is an accessible service for all, where you can receive support, advice and if necessary, medication to support you with common conditions.
How Do I Access the Service?
Anyone registered with a GP in Scotland or residing in Scotland is eligible to use this service.
Simply visit our pharmacy.
There is no need to book an appointment but if you have a fever or are experiencing any other COVID related symptoms, please call ahead to speak to a member of the Pharmacy Team before visiting us in person.
What to expect?
Information Request: The pharmacist will ask for your name, date of birth, and postcode to record the consultation.
Consultation: Discuss your symptoms with the team.
Advice and Treatment: Receive expert advice and, if necessary, medication.
Referral: If more specialised care is needed, our team may refer you to another healthcare professional, such as your GP.
Privacy: If you prefer privacy, you can request to use the consultation area or room.
What Conditions are Covered?
Our teams can offer advice and treatment using over-the-counter medications for a variety of common conditions including constipation, diarrhoea, head lice, haemorrhoids, mouth ulcers, threadworms, warts, dry eyes, ear wax removal, eczema, as well as pain relief and anti-inflammatory medications for various conditions.
If you think you have one of these conditions, you can have a private consultation with one of our pharmacists. They can support you with advice tailored to your needs and suggest treatments to help manage your symptoms.
If you want a specific medicine or product, you may need to purchase it.
Additionally, all pharmacies can provide some prescription medications for urinary tract infections, some skin infections (including insect bites), hay fever, shingles, and impetigo, following a consultation with a pharmacist.
Looking for another service?
You can find your nearest branch offering the service you are looking for using our interactive map. You can also get directions from your door
Pharmacy Services
We are proud to serve our community with comprehensive pharmaceutical services and personalised care. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.
GPhC Number: ...
Superintendent Pharmacist: Mohammed Idreece Khan (GPhC No. 2202511)